
Get the data

  • Go online to the CADC web page

  • Select your target in Spatial Constraints -> Target (put 3C295), and then, select below using the following criteria:

    Optical -> CFHT -> MegaPrime -> All -> Calibrated -> Image -> Object
  • Click on the Search buttn. Make sure all exposure have an integration time of at least 200s (Int Time -> >200), and the calibration is 2 (Cal. Lev). Mark them all using the button at the top of the list, and click on Download.

  • Click on URLS list in a file, download the list

  • Go to your terminal, and launch wget --content-disposition -i FILE_NAME (see the webpage for details) in the directory you want to get the file you just downloaded.

    cd WORKDIR/3C295
    mkdir 00-CalibratedData
    cd 00-CalibratedData
    # the downloaded cadcUrlList.txt must be in the current directory
    wget --content-disposition -i cadcUrlList.txt
  • Depending on your connection, this could take a little wile (300-400MB / file, ~100 files)

Re-organize the data

We first need to re-organize the data to get a directory with a structure compatible with the LSST stack.

cd WORKDIR/3C295
mkdir input
# Declare an instrument mapper for the DM butler
echo 'lsst.obs.cfht.MegacamMapper' > input/_mapper
setup pipe_tasks
setup obs_cfht # -t chotard depending on your install
ingestImages.py input CalibratedData/*.fz --mode link

The –mode link will create links instead of copying file

Get the astrometry

A script available at CC-IN2P3 will help you get the needed astrometry files using as input the list of calibrated data downloaded in the first step (cadcUrlList.txt). It is for now stored under


but will soon be uploaded on github. To run it, do:

cd WORKDIR/3c295
mkdir 01-AstrometryData
cd AstrometryData
get_astrometry WORKDIR/3C295/00-CalibratedData/cadcUrlList.txt

Here is in some details what the script does.

The coordinate of the cluster are (RA, DEC) = (212.8355, 52.20277) in degree. They also come from CADC. At the moment the most complete catalog available is based on SDSS DR9 and is available at IN2P3 in:

/sps/lsst/data/astrometry_net_data/sdss-dr9 (1440 files)

To get the specific files that you need for the cluster analysis, you will use

get-healpix -N8 212.8355 -- 52.20277  # "--" is optional in this case but mandatory for a negative declination value

Which will return

(RA, DEC) = (212.835, 52.2028) degrees
Healpix=157 in the XY scheme (bighp=2, x=3, y=5)
  healpix=100 in the RING scheme (ringnum=7, longind=16)
  healpix=167 in the NESTED scheme.
Healpix center is (212.14286, 48.141208) degrees
Healpix is bounded by RA=[205.714, 218.571], Dec=[41.8103, 54.3409] degrees.
Healpix scale is 26384.5 arcsec.

This output give you the file number that you need to get (Healpix=157). Since each

Create the list of visit for each filters

To do so, use the build_visit_lists.py this way

build_visit_lists.py -i ../input

which should output something like

INFO: 96 visists found
INFO: 5 filters found
 - i: 20 visits -> i.list
 - r: 21 visits -> r.list
 - u: 25 visits -> u.list
 - z: 13 visits -> z.list
 - g: 17 visits -> g.list

Run processCcd for all filter

run_processCdd.py -F g -m -a