Mount sps or afs (or any other disks)

Install sshfs

Using apt-get, or yum, or dnf, you must install sshfs and fuse-sshfs.

Create directories

Create an empty directory in your home (or anywhere with the appropriate rights

mkdir ~/sps

Then you have to create a symbolic link in the root diretory pointing to the previoulsy create directory. You will then be able to use /sps or any other absolute path that you had at CC on you personnal computer.

cd /
ln -s /home/yourname/sps sps

Mount/unmount the disk

You are now ready to work on your computer with your own soft bu with a full access to the CC disks. To do so, mount /sps (or afs) the following way:

sshfs ~/sps

Check that the disk is mounted

ls /sps

This should give you the same output as if you were at CC. To unmount the disk, use

fusermount -u ~/sps

The same ls should give you an empty output.

Create aliases

In your .bashrc (cshrc, or anything that you load while opening your terminal), added the following lines to mount/unmout the disks:

alias msps="sshfs ~/sps"
alias usps="fusermount -u ~/sps"